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5 SEO Trends Which Are Ready To Rock 2019 In India | Sangvish

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Every year there are new trends that are popping up that can help to make a difference in the rating that your site has. To make sure that you are getting help from experts who know about the SEO trends and how to create SEO friendly website, you should make sure to hire the best SEO services in India to help you with your needs. Here are just 5 of the top trends that will make a difference in what rank you achieve in the search ratings during 2019.

Virtual Reality

Artificial reality or virtual reality is something that is going to be one of the things. That you need to consider when it comes to hiring an SEO company. It goes to be more and more pages that start to take into account many things about the users. Such as their search history, gender, age, interests, locations, and hobbies. Make sure that you consider this and that you have everything put into place. It allows the users and their information to hit your page.

Voice Search

These days more and more people are using voice search for their needs. Whether that be from their phone or from other devices. You ensure that you have the experts that you engage with the best SEO services to take care of this for you. This means that you have to consider the ways that people are going to search for items. It includes using long-tail keywords that correspond to some of the most popular keywords. This means that you need to think about how people think and what they would search for.

Video Optimization

Not only is voice searching taking over the internet, but so are videos. Which means you need to know what is required. You should ensure that you are using YouTube. So you engage the best SEO services business to take care of this. Optimization of your videos is key, which is why you need to have keywords that are chosen specifically for the videos. There are predictions that around 75% of the traffic on the internet will be gravitating towards videos by 2020. So it goes ahead and ensures that you have them and that the description, title and more are optimized.

Mobile Indexing

The first ever mobile-first index was rolled out this year by Google. This means that you need to have your hired SEO Company ensure that your site is mobile-friendly. This is important because now how the sites UX works and the quality. So it goes to be taking a part in your ranking. You want to make sure that the site has a mobile-friendly site. It will be able to be used or else the users will be shown the clunky normal site.  Which might them running to another website. It is critical that you have a site that is just for mobile users so that they can navigate it easily and so that it loads fast.

Mobile First Indexing

Online Security

Another thing that is going to help increase your rating in 2019. It ensures that you are using a secure site. Not only is this important, but it has been made one of the top talked-about topics in the European Union. The best SEO services experts can help you with this. Since it makes sure that the data of your users are protected. And it goes to help increase your rank. This means that you need to ensure that all of your data is securely protected. But it can’t be accessed by anyone. Most people look at how secure their data is before they make any choices. But especially when it comes to buying something from your site.


There are always going to be newly created trends. That you need to think about when it comes to your website. This is why it is important to hire the top SEO Company in India. So that they can help you with everything that you need, including artificial reality, online security and much more. They would be up-to-date with the latest trends. So it makes sure that you are reaching the rank that you desire with high-quality keywords, content and so much more.